Admitted Student 资源

Congratulations on your admission to Chatham University, and welcome to our Admitted Student Resource Guide. 在这里,我们收集了一些内容来指导你的下一步,并在你准备成功过渡到研究生院时回答你的问题.

我们很高兴能帮你准备在查塔姆的第一个学期, 并鼓励你随时与研究生招生团队或你的项目的招生代表联系.

存款 & 今天提交

If you haven't already, save your place in the class by submitting your deposit.

Shortly after your deposit has been submitted, 您将收到通知,一个IT帐户和查塔姆的电子邮件地址已创建供您使用, enabling you to access my.查塔姆.edu, the University portal. Be sure to check your Chatham e-mail regularly, 因为这是大学的主要沟通方式.

Complete Your FAFSA 

如果你还没有准备好,请花点时间填写联邦学生资助免费申请(FAFSA) to get a jumpstart on financing your education. List Chatham's school code: 003244. 请致电412-365-2781或通过电子邮件波胆网站的财务援助办公室 email to Financial 援助. 你也可以 use our virtual calendar to schedule a 1:1 meeting.

Register for Classes

Course registration for the fall term typically begins in late spring; registration for the spring term typically begins in early November; and registration for the summer term typically begins in early February. 你的招生代表会就你的具体项目的注册时间和程序向你提出建议.

Get Your Student ID

你的学生证将帮助你进入健身中心, 计算机实验室, and on-campus printing. 还包括匹兹堡港务局的巴士通行证(从打印您的身份证到生效需要长达5个工作日). Review the guidelines and submit your info for your ID here. 

住房 资源

Admitted graduate students are encouraged to utilize our housing resource page as well as attend an admitted student webinar (invite to come), 该网站提供了搬到匹兹堡的建议,以及寻找校外住房的有用建议.


  • On-Campus Students: 课程开始前,各院系将安排具体的迎新活动. 请关注您的查塔姆学院的电子邮件,了解您的项目主任和/或学院的最新情况. 一般 information about orientation can be found here. 
  • Online Students: 帮助您在在线学习环境中取得成功, 在课程开始之前,将提供在线指导. 您将学习如何导航Brightspace您的在线学习平台, how to use helpful technology, 同时了解查塔姆的所有资源和支持网络.

Mark Your Calendar

春季学期的课程在1月初开始,秋季学期的课程在8月底开始. See exact start (and other key) dates on our academic calendar.


Important Updates

访问 www.查塔姆.edu/covid-19 for the latest campus updates, frequently asked questions, 以及关于我们正在努力抗击COVID-19传播的校园沟通. 
如果你的课程录取是有条件的,需要提交额外的文件, 这些材料必须在录取通知书上指定的日期之前提交. 

Please have your official transcript(s) sent to:
Chatham University
Office of 入学
0 Woodland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
如果你的大学需要电子邮件来发送电子成绩单,请直接发送到 graduate@查塔姆.edu.

如果你正在使用国家学生信息中心发送你的成绩单,请选择 Chatham University - Operations.

教学学生:所有参加教育课程的学生都必须持有现行有效的第33号法案(宾夕法尼亚州虐待儿童)。, Act 34 (Pennsylvania Criminal Record), 以及联邦犯罪史背景调查,以便注册课程. This is a requirement of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Forms can be obtained here.

健康 Science Students: PT, OT, PA学生需提供免疫证明和体检证明. 有关具体要求的信息将由该计划直接通过电子邮件发送给学生. 除了, 每个学生都必须在临床轮转前完成完整的背景调查. 



We position our alumni to excel in today’s top industries and 我们的毕业生 experience a 98% employment rate one year after graduation.


住房 资源

鼓励研究生利用我们的住房资源页面,并参加一个被录取的学生网络研讨会(邀请参加), which provides tips for the off-campus housing search.

住房 资源 : Checkerboard 6 - 住房 资源
Photo of graduate students at orientation


  • On-Campus Students: 课程开始前,各院系将安排具体的迎新活动. 请关注您的查塔姆学院的电子邮件,了解您的项目主任和/或教员的最新消息. 一般 information about orientation can be found here. 
  • Online Students: 帮助您在在线学习环境中取得成功, 在课程开始之前,将提供在线指导. 您将学习如何导航Brightspace您的在线学习平台, how to use helpful technology, 同时了解查塔姆的所有资源和支持网络.


Parking on Campus

Permits are required for daytime parking at the Shadyside Campus or Chatham Eastside; permits are not required after 5pm, on weekends, or for the Eden Hall Campus. Fall term starts will be notified in the summer when the online permit application opens; spring and summer starts may apply after course registration.